Windows 10: how to find files reduced by the KB4532693 adaptation

If the files happen to be discarded, they’re not really discarded. In fact, Windows 10 connects the individual to another user’s environment, after having the adaptation installed. Because during the update, the operating system loads a successive profile while the procedure is being established. Unfortunately, after finalizing the operation, Windows 10 does not manage to reconstitute the correct runtime.

In the end, you have two options: either uninstall the last adaptation of Windows ten, passing the Windows Update and the functions Show history of new features > Uninstall new features.
In the search subprogram located on the top right, enter the word KB4532693 to get to know the update in question. You also have the opportunity to find your files using the alternative border, as Microsoft explains. “We create a new user account in the building, then swap the personal files from the temporary account to the new booklet.
After that, you just have to cancel the alternate account,” says a Microsoft employee.
Several hundred icons have thus been completely redesigned by Microsoft’s designers, with the ambition to show how business innovates, without suddenly transforming consumer practices.
The applications of the Office workflow have been the first to benefit from the ads, deployed around a year ago. For the Insiders at first.
The work is now finished and Microsoft has just started to bend its iconic predictions on Windows ten.
For now, only the supporters of the experimental Windows Insider regime in the Fast Ring are entitled to it. Minicculator, Groove Music, Mail, Voice Recorder, Alarms and Clocks, Movies and TV, and Calendar are among the first applications to take advantage of it, when several other applications can follow.